Press Releases and Public Statements

Budget 2024 worse than a nothing burger for science (30 May 2024)

Save Science Coalition launch (co-release with other organisations) (27 May 2024)

SSAG Can't Address The Biggest Threats (3 May 2024) pdf

Save Our Science (SOS) at #SS4C (5 April 2024)

Briefing for Incoming Minister of RSI and Press Release (2 November 2023)

National Research Priorities misses the mark (22 August 2023)

NZAS alarmed by proposed cuts at the University of Otago (4 May 2023)

Exciting Alignment of NZ Research with EU Horizons Pillar II Missions (21 December 2022)

Open Letter to the Marsden Council on PhD stipend levels (27 September 2021)

Mātauranga and Science (27 July 2021)

Science and Gender (16 July 2021)

Advances or Austerity (14 May 2021)

Cuts to Science at Waikato (27 March 2021)

Open Letter from Scientific Society Presidents on Massey Cuts (28 October 2020)

Massey Cuts a Third of Science (6 October 2020)

Responding to New Zealand’s Early Career Researcher Crisis (8 September 2020)

A Role for Science and Scientists in Economic Stimulus (9 April 2020)

Concerns at Massey Albany Campus (23 February 2020)

New NZAS President (20 November 2019)

Otago Sacking Marine Scientists (20 October 2019)

Bullying in Science (4 September 2019)

2019 Budget (30 May 2019)

Deplore Reduction in National Knowledge (18 February 2019)

Our Decision-makers need Transparent Science Advice (25 March 2018)

Science is, sometimes, political (2 February 2017)

Director of GeoNet needs to be heard (21 November 2016)

The Government’s disregard for evidence is an own goal (20 June 2016)

Concerns for Reduced Science Content at Radio NZ (8 May 2016)

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