Membership benefits and levels

Your membership helps support the only independent, non-profit incorporated society that stands for and advocates for the entirety of science in New Zealand and most importantly for the science workforce. The NZAS produces a quarterly journal, the New Zealand Science Review, which publishes articles on research and on science policy.  We also award medals and hold a conference annually.

As a member of the NZAS:

  1. You will be more informed about the state of science in New Zealand and policies that could affect you as a scientist. 

  2. You will have more opportunities to participate and influence discussions about science through events and publications.  

  3. You will be represented in the media, before the government, and other relevant groups, on issues of importance to scientists.

  4. You will be able to engage with our officers and councillors who advocate on your behalf for science and scientists.

  5. You will hear first about events organised by the NZAS.

We have three membership levels you can choose to join at:

Member: $40/year  
Associate Member: $35/year (discounted rate for members of other science-related societies)
Student: $20/year
(discounted rate for current students)

We also sometimes award life and complimentary memberships. 

Physical copies of the NZSR are no longer included with membership due to rising costs, and will be made available on an on-demand basis.

You can find a list of societies we recognise for the associate member category on this page. If your society is not on the list and you feel it should be, please contact us

Click here to join NZAS.

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