The New Zealand Association of Scientists

The New Zealand Association of Scientists (NZAS) is an independent body that stands for and advocates for science and scientists in New Zealand.

We exist for "the purpose of working for the benefit of all society through the application of science."

Our Association is made up of a wide cross-section of the New Zealand science community, from University departments to CRIs to those working in independent research organisations or in science-related policy development. 

NZAS exists to promote science in terms of increasing public awareness of science, representing the views of New Zealand scientists, and encouraging scientific excellence. The NZAS also acts to promote debate and research on science and science policy in New Zealand, and to engage with Government on the development of national science policy. 

The Association is a non-profit incorporated society and is a registered charity. It is managed by an executive council drawn from the membership. The NZAS publishes a quarterly journal, the New Zealand Science Review, which publishes articles on research and on science policy.

Our registered aims are as follows (the full rules of the society can be found on this page):

  • To secure the widest application of science for the welfare of society.
  • To promote public discussion and participation in the resolution of scientific and technical issues that may affect the welfare of society.
  • To uphold the need for interchanges of scientific knowledge and discussion, both nationally and internationally.
  • To promote measures to eliminate discrimination in science on any grounds other than scientific merit.
  • To encourage excellence in science and science education, as well as an awareness of social responsibility and ethics in science.
  • To defend the facts as established by scientific methods, and promote intellectual freedom in the pursuit of science.
  • To defend the right of society to access scientists’ professional expertise.
  • To combat all tendencies to limit scientific investigation or to suppress scientific discoveries;
  • To expose pseudo-scientific theories and claims, particularly where these are used as justification for social and financial ends or policies.
  • To promote the use of expert scientific advice by official agencies on all matters involving the application of science and the institution of government, supported by research wherever necessary.
  • To champion the value to society of science-based knowledge and the status of scientists in the community.
  • To hold either alone or jointly with other bodies meetings and conferences promoting social awareness in matters of scientific concern, and to recognise excellence in scientific work and outstanding service to science in an appropriate manner.
  • To do such lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims or any of them.

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