Reshaping NZ’s Research System: Finding Solutions

  • 15 Nov 2021
  • 2 sessions
  • 15 Nov 2021, 10:00 15:30 (NZDT)
  • 15 Nov 2021, 16:00 19:00 (NZDT)
  • Online only


  • Since we're online only, we'll follow up with this list to keep you up to date and ready to join us online

Registration is closed

2021 NZAS Conference, AGM and Awards

Registration is open (and free).

Please note participants are bound by Codes of Conduct.

#1 Conference Programme 

Morning Session Video Link (All talks)

Afternoon Session Video Link (All Talks)

10:00 Opening

Minister for Research Science and Technology

Hon Dr Megan Woods

10:30 Introduction to the day (President & ECR reps)

10:40 Panel (PDF with speaker bios)

The Indigenous Genomics Institute – Mātauranga Māori Reshaping Scientific Research

Facilitated by Lisa Warbrick MBA (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Rangitihi, Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi) – Engaging our whanau

Dr Simon Hills (Ngāti Porou) – Being Māori in an academic science environment

Hare Rua (Tuhoe) – Building our scientific and research capability

Dr. Karatiana Taiuru PhD (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rārua) – Māori Intellectual Rights & Data Sovereignty

11:40 Dr Dianne Sika-Paotono – 2020 NZAS Cranwell Medallist

A Pacific Perspective - journeying through the New Zealand scientific and health research domains, and engaging with Pacific communities

12:00 Break

12:30 Joint Session with SCANZ: Panel on COVID-19 community-led communications

Read the full SCANZ 2021 programme here.

A promo code for NZAS attendees to access the Monday SCANZ session will be provided on the day.

Afternoon Session Video Link (All Talks)

13:30 Panel: Engagement in Aotearoa's Research System 

PDF with speaker bios

Facilitated by Rhian Salmon.

Panelists: Gary Evans, Fleur Templeton, Vanessa Young, Pauline Harris, Dave Frame, and Dacia Herbulock.

14:30 Dr Geoffroy Lamarche – Chief Science Advisor for the PCE

Giving evidence more bite – how New Zealand's environmental watchdog uses science to influence and inform policy?

14:50 Mr Luke Oldfield

                     Precarious Work Survey

15:10 NZAS President's Address and Discussion (Troy Baisden)

Giving Aotearoa The RS&T System It Deserves

Including NZAS responses on Future Pathways – Te Ara Paerangi

15:30 Conference closes


#2 AGM and Awards

16:00 Annual General Meeting

All wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to join the panel.

17:00 Awards (Hill Tinsley, Marsden, Shorland & Cranwell)

Please register here to receive a livestream link

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