Tēnā koutou NZAS Members
The New Zealand Association of Scientists AGM will be held on Tuesday 17th November at 5.30pm, by Zoom. The agenda and Zoom link are below.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Fiona McDonald, Secretary to NZAS Council ,
Please write to contact@scientists.org.nz if you are interested in the AGM and have not received the zoom link.
79th Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Association of Scientists
Tuesday 17th November, 2020
1. Introduction and apologies
2. Minutes of 78th AGM of NZAS
3. Matters arising
4. Correspondence
5. 79th Annual Report – President’s address
6. 2019/2020 Financial Report
7. Election of officers
8. General Business
Time: Nov 17, 2020 05:30 PM Auckland, Wellington