Another sharing site and new briefs

10 Mar 2022 22:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Please check out the new site for connecting and sharing ideas set up by GFANZ and our former councillor Rob Elshire.

We'd like to recommend a great idea for postdoctoral fellowships that provide upskilling for making links between science and policy. It's from Olivia Truax. Please promote this idea, which on the site above and on our Zenodo repository


And Lucy Stewart has taken the lead on a brief outline some key issue with the workforce. So many more PhD students, and so much more R&D spending, yet little new employment of PhDs. It follows that the research PhD's are working on isn't well matched to jobs. 


Last - if you need a template for submission, here's a submission template pre-populated from with some of our draft bullets from a couple weeks ago. It's a google doc, so make a copy... 

More soon!

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